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You've Reached Sam


You've Reached Sam Dustin Thao

304 pages | Published by Wednesday Books

US Pub Date: November 9, 2021

Julie is wracked with grief after her boyfriend Sam dies in a tragic accident. Desperate to hear his voice again, she calls his cell phone, and somehow, he answers. Julie has a second chance to say goodbye to Sam but finds it harder and harder to let him go again.

You've Reached Sam is the epitome of bittersweet. The book is super character-driven, but it's a quick read and it really pulled me in right away. I've seen the book categorized as romance, and I'm not sure that's where I'd put it - this is mostly a book about grief, letting go, and healing.

Overall I liked the book a lot, but I need something MORE in terms of explanation on Sam's end. I know the focus was on Julie but I needed more about what was happening for Sam.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the review copy!

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