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You'd Be Mine


You'd Be Mine Erin Hahn 304 pages | Published by Wednesday Books

Country music star Clay needs to clean up his act per his label's instructions - which means touring with Annie Mathers. Annie is the daughter of two country music legends who both died too soon. The chemistry between Clay and Annie is evident, but while Clay is worried he's too broken for Annie, she is also determined not to be his downfall.

You'd Be Mine was a very cute read. I think a big part of its charm was its setting within the young country music world.

I immediately liked every single character - not only Clay & Annie but their best friends and bandmates as well. Their histories were all so connected and reading this felt like hanging out with a huge extended family. Side note: we definitely need a second book to talk more about Jason, right??

The book was light and fun for the most part and I was surprised to see how dark Annie and Clays' respective struggles and trauma were. This could have easily been about two rising stars and their aspirations, but the added layer of their grief for their lost families was pretty compelling.


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