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Year in Review: 2020

Growing up, I was a voracious reader. I was constantly reading, and would often spend an afternoon at the library and come home with upwards of ten books to read. College sort of sucked the fun out of reading a bit, and then for years I thought that now as an Adult I needed to only be reading non-fiction.

Let me tell ya, that is not the way. A vacation in 2018 re-introduced my love of reading, and in six months I read 40 books. The next year, my goal was 80 books - I came in at 90 at the end of 2019. So for 2020, my reading goal was a triple-digit - 100 books.

I made it, but only just. As I've said in previous posts, poetry anthologies and graphic novels were my saving grace when it came to hitting my goal number, and I'm so glad to have found them. This was just another re-introduction of reading for me, and this year I plan to actively seek out more graphic novels because the way they are able to weave a story and beautiful art together is just magical.

My goal for 2021 is, again, 100 books, but I'm hoping that I'll hit it a little sooner than last year.

I wanted to share some of the stats compiled by GoodReads about what I read last year, as well as point out some favorites.

5 Star Reads: 21

4 Star Reads: 43

3 Star Reads: 29

2 Star Reads: 7

Pages Read: 36,224

Longest Book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Shortest Book: What Kind of Woman by Kate Baer

Favorite (New Read) of the Year:

The standout of the year for me was definitely If We Were Villains. I still find myself thinking about it - the characters, the story, even the setting. It was just haunting and beautiful and I think it will be an annual autumn read for me going forward.


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