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Time's Convert


Time's Convert (All Souls #4) Deborah Harkness

436 pages | Published by Viking

The fourth book from the world of the All Souls series - split into three storylines, Phoebe is undergoing her change from human to vampire to be with Marcus. Diana and Matthew are dealing with their growing family, and what it means to have children who are born of a witch and a vampire. The throughline is Marcus' story - we learn about his history, how he became a vampire and his life after the change.

This is the best of the All Souls bunch, in my opinion. It's a totally different story but would still require reading the trilogy. The story is kind of split into three, between Diana, Phoebe, and Marcus, but really this is Marcus' story.

I think I'm fond of this one because of its emphasis on American history & the Revolutionary War, with cameos from people like Thomas Paine & Ben Franklin. That's my favorite historical period so this book was right up my alley.

My one gripe, and it's not even really a complaint, is that the synopsis made it sound like there would be a sweeping romance in this book. There wasn't, which was okay. It's about Marcus and Phoebe, yes, but more about them as individuals rather than their relationship.


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