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This May End Badly


This May End Badly

Samantha Markum

384 pages | Published by Wednesday Books

US Pub Date: April 12, 2022

Doe is in her senior year at an all-girls boarding school and has one mission: to finally win the war between the all-boys schools across the street and stop them from merging into one school. Their pranks against each other have escalated over the years, and Doe finally has a way to show up her rival, Three: date his cousin, Wells. As Doe and Wells blur the lines between fake dating and real dating, Doe realizes that she'll have to work with the boys to ensure a safe school for all.

This was a fun and heartfelt book that had some of my FAVORITE features - a prank war, a boarding school, fake dating?? Give me all of it, please!!

Doe and Wells had such a cute and comfortable relationship - you love to see it! While I liked the book for their chemistry, I loved the book for Doe's journey. I saw a lot of myself in her - her tunnel vision, her avoidance, and her resistance to change. It was great to see Doe channel her love for her school in a positive way in the end.

What would have really bumped this up a star for me would have been a bigger focus on the Tully storyline. I assumed it would have been a bigger piece of the book, but it felt like more of an afterthought by the end, and at that point we didn't need a sexual predator as a plot device.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the review copy!


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