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The Road Trip


The Road Trip

Beth O'Leary

400 pages | Published by Berkley

Addie and Dylan fell in love quickly over the course of a summer in France four years ago. Two years ago, their relationship ended with a bang. Today, they're both in route to Scotland for a friends wedding when they literally crash into each other, and find themselves packed into a Mini and subject to a serious streak of bad luck.

I FLEW THROUGH THIS BOOK. I'm sad that it took me so long to read it - not sure why, since I've read O'Leary's other books but for some reason I just skipped over this one. Structurally I'm obsessed with the set up - dual POV's and an alternating timeline?? YES AND YES. I was riveted and desperate to know how Addie and Dylan's relationship ended so dramatically.

This is the epitome of a second chance story; second chances at love and friendship. As much as I wanted to hate Marcus on behalf of Addie, I just couldn't because we were seeing him through Dylan's eyes too. Everyone had some fault in what went wrong here and by the end everyone accepted that.

This was one of those books that made me SO happy and SO sad all the same time - I want a romance that will also make my heart ache. Is that weird? Oh well. 10/10!!


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