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The No-Show


The No-Show Beth O'Leary

352 pages | Published by Berkley

Siobhan, Miranda, and Jane are three very different women with one thing in common: They have all been stood up on Valentine's day by Joseph Carter. Moving between the women's point of view, we learn more about Joseph's complicated relationships will all three, and whether or not he's the man they all think him to be.

I was VERY unsure early on if I would like this but I've loved Beth O'Leary's other books so I knew I had to give it a go. Spoiler alert: O'Leary is amazing and this story was quite a feat.

Right off the bat I loved each woman and was wary of Joseph, for obvious reasons. I'm never one to jump at a plot about cheating but I'm glad I stuck this out because there was definitely more going on here than you originally believe. By the end I came to see Joseph as a caring and loveable guy.

The further I got into this book I could not put it down - I had to unravel the mystery around Joseph Carter, and O'Leary wove the three perspectives together masterfully.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the review copy!


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