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The Heir Affair (The Royal We #2)


The Heir Affair Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan 368 pages | Published by Grand Central Publishing

Publish Date: July 7, 2020

The Heir Affair picks up right where The Royal We left off - we're dropped into the middle of the fallout from Nick, Bex, and Freddie's alleged royal love triangle. The scandal was major, and one the family nor the public will easily forget. After their disastrous wedding, Nick and Bex have to prove to everyone that they are the solid couple they're supposed to be, which is easier said than done.

Y'ALL. I could absolutely cry. This was EVERY BIT the sequel I wanted. I was shocked and giddy when I was approved for a galley from Netgalley & Grand Central Publishing - literally dancing around my apartment. This was major, people.

You could smash this book together with the first, and I wouldn't even bat an eye - they move perfectly from one to the next. Pluss, I think the authors here are excellent with their pacing and the way they seamlessly jump forward and incorporate flashbacks - it could easily feel clunky and disorienting but there's such a nice flow to the book.

These books to me are so cozy. We get so much detail and its as fun to relish in the small moments (i.e. Nick's new knitting hobby) as it is the larger life events. It was so easy to fall back into the lives of some of my favorite characters - it felt like I was back with my buddies (Gaz, in particular). Everyone felt so consistent with who we knew from the first, and it was lovely to catch up with them and see how they continud to grow.

Along with catching up with old characters, I was glad we got much more of some of TRW's more secondary characters. We get so much more about Eleanor (lol @ the queen being a secondary character) as well as Richard, and I'm already excited to re-read The Royal We (again) knowing more about those two characters in particular.

The ONLY thing I would say I didn't love is that the book got a touch too soap opera for me - but hey, its a book about royals, and I think that world is probably full of soap opera secrets and stories. Overall, I LOVED this sequel and I know I will turn to it and its predecessor as comfort reads for years.

A HUGE thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review!


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