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The Crowns of Croswald


The Crowns of Croswald

D.E. Night

249 pages | Published by Stories Untold Press

Ivy is a hard-working orphan longing to practice magic when she suddenly finds herself able to do just that. She is transported to a magic school where royals and their scribes learn to practice their magical abilities. But weird things keep happening to Ivy, and she can't help but feel like she has a deeper connection to the magical world than she thought.

This was my first middle-grade read! Well, since I was actually a kid, that is. I think books like The Crowns of Croswald prove that a book meant for a younger audience can still be captivating and fun! The magic system felt quirky and lighthearted and yet mysterious too.

I am SUCH a fan of Ivy! I think you can't help but like her - she is curious and determined and also kind to the core. She clearly loves the new friends she makes at school plus the creatures (dragons and porcupines) that she picks up along the way.

The only thing I wish we got more of was time - time with the characters to really get to know them. I feel like we have a high-level knowledge of Ivy and her friends, and the story could really benefit by learning more about them!

Thank you to Stories Untold Press for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review!


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