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That Summer Feeling


That Summer Feeling

Bridget Morrissey

336 pages | Published by Berkley

that summer feeling moodboard

Garland heads to summer camp with her sister to appease her inner child and heal after her divorce. At camp, she meets her roommate Stevie who is sunshine personified. OVer the course of the week, Garland realizes she's been silencing parts of herself for the benefit of others.

Did I Google adult summer camps when I was reading? Of course!! This had A+ summer vibes, and everything you’d want from a camp story - dances, team challenges, late nights at the lake. Garland and Stevie were such a cute pair, although I did think more could have been done to build up the tension between the two of them.

I totally fell in love with everyone at camp - the twins, Stevie’s brothers, and Garland’s roommate Michelle. I think the story could have benefitted from going deeper into all of these relationships. The whole story seemed to stay pretty surface level.

Overall a cute read but nothing groundbreaking, but great to get ready for summer!

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the advanced e-book!


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