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Realm Breaker


Realm Breaker

Victoria Aveyard 576 pages | Published by HarperTeen

Coryane is one of the last in an ancient bloodline that can open and close portals to other realms. The uncle she didn't know she had, Taristan, is part of a plot to rip open the portals and destroy the world. After a heroic mission to stop Taristan fails, Coryane and a group of misfits sets out to pick up where the others left off.

I am in awe of Victoria Aveyard. She creates the coolest characters and the most immersive worlds. This is a HUGE world with a lot going on, and while it made it a slower read for me, I think it will have a big pay-off for books two and three.

Loved the multipole POVs - I didn't quite understand why we had Rhida's but I'm sure it will be important later. Would love to get a Taristan chapter at some point so we get some insight as to his motivation.

After reading her Red Queen series I expect a good betrayal from Aveyard and she didn't let me down. My only ask is that she leave Squire Andry Trelland alone because he is a perfect angel who has done nothing wrong.


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