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Raiders of the Lost Heart


Raiders of the Lost Heart

Jo Segura

368 pages | Berkley Publishing

Publication Date: December 5, 2023

Raiders of the Lost Heart mood board

The Set Up: Corrie is an archeologist known for the adventures she finds herself in while in the field. When she’s brought onto a dig with next to no information, she’s surprised to find her long-time rival and what-if, Ford, asking for her help. He’s leading an expedition based on her research, with hopes to find the remains of a legendary Aztec warrior. When they learn a thief is hiding among their own team, the dig becomes a race to find what they came for, and get out alive.

I’m a National Treasure girlie so this kind of treasure hunt was a lot of fun to read! I liked both Carrie and Ford - both passionate about the work they were doing. They both grew a lot over the course of the book, as they allowed themselves to lean on each other.

Things seemed to go off the rails a bit in the second half of the book, but it did keep me interested. I wish the writing was a bit more refined, and maybe less focused on they physical attraction between Corrie and Ford. Because Corrie is so determined that people focus on her brain and not her body, it felt odd that the narration included so many reminders about how sexy she is.

Overall, a cute and quick read if you’re looking for something with a bit of adventure!

Thanks to Netgalley & Berkley for the advanced e-book!


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