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Never Saw You Coming


Never Saw You Coming

Erin Hahn

320 pages | Published by Wednesday Books

US Pub Date: September 7, 2021

Meg's been raised to be a modest and good Christian girl. After she learns some shocking truths about her childhood, she travels to meet part of her family she never knew existed. There, she meets Micah who is a former pastor's son - whose dad is now in prison. The two both have mixed feelings about the church but are sure that their meeting was part of a bigger plan.

This book reminded me a lot of one of my favorite YouTubers, God is Grey. Brenda talks a lot about how the culture of the evangelical church can be harmful, and I think she would appreciate this book. I think this book is an important story and I hope a lot of young girls growing up in that culture get a chance to read it.

I loved Meg and her generous spirit. She joked a lot about basically forcing people to be her friend and quite honestly I would be her friend, no hesitation. I loved seeing her grow into her own person throughout the book and have the hard conversations around her feelings and what she thought she was raised to believe.

I will say - I was raised going to church so I understood a lot of the references and conversations and a lot of it sounded like, a lot. I can only imagine that if someone picked up this book who was never around a church would find Meg's issues bizarre and totally unrelatable.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the review copy!


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