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Mistletoe & Mr. Right


Mistletoe & Mr. Right (Moose Springs, Alaska #2) Sarah Morgenthaler

400 pages | Published by Sourcebooks Casablanca

Lana (real estate tycoon and total girl boss) has been using the town of Moose Springs as her getaway and safe haven for years. But now that she's made a real investment in the town with plans for luxury condos, the locals are not too thrilled with the changes she's bringing. One local she does have on her side is Rick - bar owner and a total sweetheart who's had a crush on Lana for forever.

I gave The Tourist Attraction (the first in this series) 3 stars - I'm giving this one 3 as well but maybe more like a 3.5 - at first I wasn't sure if I was into Rick but he REALLY grew on me and I think I like his and Lana's story more than Zoey & Graham from TTA.

Like the first, I thought this was cute and fun, great to get into some more holiday-themed reading. I liked getting back into the small town of Moose Springs and I'm SO excited we're getting more with another book early next year.

This felt VERY Hallmark holiday movie - big city working girl finds joy in the quiet small town over Christmas break - I'm into it.

I like Lana a lot - we really only knew her as the party-loving rich girl from the first book - it was nice to see her with a little more depth. Rick was an absolute gem and I loved his relationship with Diego.


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