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Meet Me At Midnight


Meet Me At Midnight Jessica Pennington 336 pages | Published by Tor Teen

Publish Date: April 7, 2020

Sidney and Asher have grown up vacationing together with their families and, theoretically, should get along great. But instead, the two spend each summer one-upping the other in their all-out prank war. After one prank goes a bit too far, the pair find themselves calling a cease-fire to team up against a common enemy, and truly getting to know each other in the process.

Actual footage of me after reading this:

This was SO cute and I'm sure will be a major beach-read this summer. It had all the elements of a classic summer vacation romance. This was simultaneously childhood friends falling in love AND enemies falling in love and THAT, my friends, is maybe my ultimate combo.

Sidney and Asher balanced each other out really well - Sidney anxious and cynical (hello, relatable) with Asher relaxed and sentimental. Their shared history added so much and I enjoyed the few brief flashbacks to give us a better picture of their relationship. I also appreciated the dual POVs - I always feel like these summer romance books are from the female perspective so it's nice to get both sides of the story.

I assumed this would wrap up with a nice bow at the end of the summer and was pleasantly surprised that the story bled into their first few months of college. I don't mind keeping the story strictly based in the summer - it is a summer romance, after all - but I liked the added touch of reality that came with the post-vacation world.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tor Teen for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review!


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