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Kit and Elizabeth [review]


Kit & Elizabeth Karen Tuft 296 pages | Published by Covenant Communications

Being born a woman was the first thing Elizabeth ever did to disappoint her parents, and things never got much better from there. After failing to secure a marriage for the second time, her world falls apart. After a year of seclusion from Society, Elizabeth receives an offer to be a companion to Lady Walmsley, who rescues Elizabeth from her family home with the help of Kit - Earl of Cantwell. Over time, Kit helps Elizabeth find the courage to be bold, daring, and live life as she wishes.

I LOVE a regency romance, and this was very heart eyes emoji. Something about the book felt very cinematic - I could easily picture this as a film and would love to see these characters come to life.

Elizabeth's journey over the course of the book was wonderful. I loved watching her literally put together a list of things she likes and dislikes, having never known that she could have her own opinions.

Kit gets two thumbs up from me for being an all-around Good Person. His intention was never to just make Elizabeth happy - he recognized that she needed to be free to feel any emotion and express herself after being under her parents' control for so long.

Since reading, I've seen that this is actually the third book that Tuft has written within this world, and I'm anxious to read the other two to learn more about some of the characters we meet in this story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read this Advanced Readers Copy in exchange for an honest review!


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