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If You Ask Me


If You Ask Me

Libby Hubscher 368 pages | Published by Berkley Publication Date: March 8, 2022

Violet is an advice columnist on the brink of a perfect life - until she finds her husband in bed with someone else. She goes rogue, giving cavalier advice and literally burning things in the street which introduces her to handsome and unfailingly kind fireman Dez. As Violet seemingly burns her life to the ground, Dez and her friends help her see that she can be happy AND let people in.

I haven't read anything else by Libby Hubscher but I was anticipating a light and sweet romance - and got frustration and rage and betrayal. This took me less than 48 hours to read and I carried Violet's anger with me, which to me is the sign of a well written book.

I have never actively rooted against a character more than I did Sam, which maybe isn't the lesson of the book but MAN I couldn't help it. He and his mom seemed so heartless and just kept kicking Violet while she was down - if Dez and Kyra hadn't been there to balance it out with kindness I'm not sure I would have made it through the book.

The book had a much happier ending than I anticipated it - although the epilogue was a bit too cheesy in my opinion - but I'll take a cheesy ending over a bittersweet and sad ending any day.

Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the advanced e-book!


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