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Hunt On Dark Waters


Hunt on Dark Waters (Crimson Sails #1)

Katee Robert

336 pages | Berkley Publishing

Hunt on Dark Waters mood board

The Set Up: Evelyn is a witch on the run from her murderous vampire-ex when she falls through a portal into another realm. There, she’s given the choice: Join the sexy Captain Bowen’s piratic crew and hunt monsters, or die. She agrees to travel with Bowen, knowing she’ll run at the first chance she gets, but the more time they spend together the more she finds she doesn’t necessarily want to leave him behind.

This was my first, and honestly probably only Katee Robert book. While the plot was fun and exciting with a ton of potential, I felt like I kept waiting to care or be truly invested.

I find the brazen heroine gets a little old after a while. I liked Evelyn’s spirit but it felt like we never got a fully real moment. Bowen had a lot more depth as a character, but their relationship felt rushed and I never really bought in which made the many steamy scenes a bit much for me.

There was a real lack of worldbuilding in that it felt like Katee Robert threw every fantasy element in the bowl without really thinking strategically. All of the elements and worlds felt mismatched. The upside to having so many fantasy elements is that you never know what you’re going to meet next.

Katee’s writing is simple and very straightforward, making this a pretty quick read, but overall it just missed the mark for me.

Thanks to Netgalley & Berkley for the advanced e-book!


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