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How to Hide in Plain Sight


How to Hide in Plain Sight by Emma Noyes

400 pages | Published by Berkley

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The Set Up: Eliot has struggled with OCD her brother died when they were kids. Over the years, the only person who could calm her spiraling thoughts was her best friend, Manuel. But eventually, Eliot’s thought’s have her believing that the best thing for everyone - Manuel, her parents, and her many siblings - is to leave them all alone. Now, after three years with almost zero contact, Eliot comes home for a family wedding, and the event threatens all of the walls she’s built around herself.

I would definitely call this one a romance+ book. This definitely falls into the romance category, but I wouldn’t classify it as a rom-com; This is as much about family dynamics, mental health, and grief, as it was about a second-chance romance. It was MUCH heavier than I thought it would be but I enjoyed it all the same! I’ll be thinking about these characters for a while.

At first, I was frustrated with Eliot’s choices, but as I spent more time with her, I began to understand the way her brain works. I’m so grateful to the author for sharing the way her brain works with Eliot - she really addressed some of the common assumptions people have about those with OCD.

I loved the flashback style of the writing, and getting to know Eliot’s entire dysfunctional family in the process. I was a big fan of Manuel - he seemed to be so patient with Eliot but also held her accountable for her actions.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced eBook copy!

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