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Good Girl Complex


Good Girl Complex

Elle Kennedy

368 pages | Published by St. Martin's Griffin US Publication Date: February 1, 2022

After Mackenzie's gap year when she was able to focus on her million-dollar website launch, she's finally moving into Garnet College, an elite college in Avalon Bay, at the insistence of her parents and her boyfriend Preston. Preston, out one night with his friends, gets in a fight with local bartender Cooper - which ends with Cooper getting fired. Set on revenge, Cooper and his friends concoct a plan to humiliate Preston - by seducing Mackenzie away from him.

Y'all know I'm always a sucker for a beach town - it's my DREAM!! This book seriously reminded me of the After series (which, admittedly, I did not like and did not finish) but like, better. It had the same arc of good girl falling for the bad boy, except without the emotional abuse that apparently everyone loved in After??

I loved how confident and self-assured Mackenzie was - she had faith in herself and her ability to build an empire, even though her parents and Preston didn't understand it. She and Cooper had an A+ back and forth banter, and they were both so supportive of each other, despite coming from VERY different worlds.

I was mostly interested in Cooper's side of the story - his family dynamics were really intriguing and I would love to learn more about his brother in a future book.

I did take a couple stars off of my rating just because there was some cheating elements, which I never love to read about, plus some things at the end seemed a bit abrupt, but overall this was a quick read with a hint of steam and a good story!

Thanks to NetGalley & St. Martin's Griffin for the advanced e-book!


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