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Girl, Serpent, Thorn


Girl, Serpent, Thorn

Melissa Bashardoust

336 pages | Published by Flatiron Books

Soraya was born cursed - her skin is poisonous and she will kill anyone she touches. She's lived her life hidden away from the public eye until a handsome young man arrives who seems to actually see her for who she is. When Soraya is finally given the chance to learn more about her curse, she must decide who to trust.

The writing style here is BEAUTIFUL. The book feels very lush and inviting, and the worldbuilding felt very easy and natural - which I think is quite a feat for a stand-alone fantasy. There's a lot of history and detail to explain in a short amount of time

Gotta say I didn't see one particular twist coming in this book and I was pleasantly surprised. Hard to describe without spoiling this book included something I don't think we see a lot in YA fantasy. (Or maybe it is there but I'm just not seeing it. I know this is all super vague - thrilling to read, right?)

At the end of the day, this was a great fantasy with an A+ message about loving your whole self.


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