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Dating You / Hating You


Dating You / Hating You

Christina Lauren

368 pages | Published by Gallery Books

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The Set Up: Evie and Carter meet through mutual friends and immediately hit it off. Both Hollywood talent agents, they understand each other in ways that others haven’t. But when their companies merge and they’re suddenly competing for the same job, their new relationship comes crashing to the ground.

Three stars is probably the lowest I’ve given a Christina Lauren book. It was cute, but there was a lot more negative tension than I had anticipated, and it took a while for the story to really grab me. There were several plotlines going at once and it didn’t feel like any of them were developed enough.

I thought Evie and Carter had great chemistry, but a lot of their back and forth felt pretty immature. It was frustrating that they wouldn’t just have a real conversation with each other.

The story was pretty fast paced and it was funny enough, but this isn’t high on my list of of Christina Lauren books.


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