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Business Not As Usual

Business Not As Usual

Sharon C. Cooper

320 pages | Published by Berkley

Dreamy is working as a secretary in a tech startup as she finishes school and makes plans to launch her own non-profit for female entrepreneurs. Through work she meets venture capitalist Karter and their attraction is instant, but Dreamy has worries that she will never fit in to his privileged lifestyle.

This book had some cute moments and a bit of steam, but it was so surface level that I ended up skimming the last quarter. Everything felt so expositional - I came pretty close to just not finishing but since it was such a quick read I just kept going. I think there was a lot of potential in the story to dig deeper, especially in terms of Dreamy and Karter's class differences, but it just never got there.

Thanks to NetGalley & Berkley for the advanced e-book!


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