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Appointment in Bath


Appointment in Bath

Mimi Matthews

292 pages | Published by Perfectly Proper Press

I finished this one last night and it is just as romantic and dreamy as the other Somerset Stories that have come before it. I love this world and the way each of the stories intertwine with each other but I appreciate that enough context is given that you could read them independently of one another if you picked them up out of order.

Ivo and Meg had an incredible chemistry from the start - I loved watching their reluctant friendship turn into a very Romeo & Juliet type romance. Their romance was perfection but what I loved most was Meg’s determination to change the course of her own life.

I flew through this book, it was definitely a slump-buster for me, and I’m so ready to get back into the historical romance world. A goal I have now is to read through Mimi Matthews’ backlist, since I’ve not been disappointed by any of her stories so far. I believe we’re getting another addition to this particular series about the eldest Beresford brother and I can’t wait for that one!

Thanks to NetGalley and Perfectly Proper Press for the advanced e-book!


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