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Any Way the Wind Blows


Any Way the Wind Blows (Simon Snow #3)

Rainbow Rowell

579 pages | Published by Wednesday Books

After their disastrous and successful trip around America, Simon and Baz are finally learning how to be together in the real world when they find themselves caught up with a man who believes himself to be the new Chosen One. Penelope has brought Shephard back to London to try and sort out his curse situation, and Agatha is finally trying to figure out what it is that SHE wants.

God I just love Simon and Baz. These books are everything my little angsty hopeless romantic self wants. Being right back in with these two felt so cozy and comfortable. The entire world and magic system is so silly and lighthearted I just LOVE it!! While the story still hasn't been wrapped perfectly with a bow by the end, I'm happy with where we leave the characters in this one. They're all disasters but at least they're all on their way to being disasters who are happy.

What knocked a star off of my rating was just that there was no follow-up to a lot that happened in the second book? I know things were mentioned and they realized "hey we're 20 these things aren't our job to figure out," but it felt like there should have been more there.


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